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Monday, November 24, 2008

How to build a focused website that is pulling in tons and tons of traffic?

Keyword research is a very, very important part of having a website. The internet is a huge place, and if you are not spending time planning things out before you build, you are wasting a true opportunity.
Sometimes the internet seems crowded, sometimes it seems vast. What you need to do is find the holes in the crowd, and build your pages there. Fortunately this can be done with keyword research, and wordtracker has created a free service for us to use!
Wordtracker is a keyword research company, that operates a massive keyword research tool. To fully take advantage of wordtracker's power, you would need to subscribe to its services. Fortunately for us, the free tool will suit our purposes.
To start using the tool, simply decide on a root keyword phrase that you would like to explore. Essentially you will feed this phrase to wordtracker, and it will spit out up to 100 related keywords. It will also show you how often each one of these terms is searched for on the internet.
This is very valuable information, because it helps us to understand what area of your niche has the most demand for traffic. I would suggest plugging in as many "root" keywords as you can, to get a thorough overview of what people are typing in to find your niche on the internet.
This can also help you better understand how you should expand your website, to meet the demands of your visitors.
Once you have a list of potential keywords, it is also important to look at the amount of competition each has in the search engines.
Before you know it, you will have built a focused website that is pulling in tons and tons of traffic.

Sign-up for your free wordtracker today!

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